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Increase The Quality Of Your Composting With A Compost Turner

hands holding a pile of compost or dirt on a green grass background

Few experts will argue against the value of creating compost to remain competitive in an expanding marketplace. The bottom line is all about the profit margin, regardless of whether you make organic or inorganic compost. The composting method you use should help you save money rather than make you spend too much.

High-quality compost is a viable form of organic fertilizer that is on the same level as costly synthetic alternatives. It provides a full range of micro and macro nutrients that are necessary for producing a robust crop. If your composting methods improve, you can make a more high-quality product for your customers.

Making high-quality compost

When it comes to commercial composting, quality is the biggest difference between success and failure. Many large scale composting operations view themselves as a convenient waste-removal service, which often results in a sub-par product. The problem centers on using aged manure and partially decomposed organic waste in the mix. Though it’s easy to produce low-quality compost, it hardly compares to other alternatives.

Producing a high-quality fertilizer does require a more advanced process, but the results are often more popular. If you can improve the monetary value of your compost, the chances are excellent that it can improve the value of the soil and surrounding plants.

Quality compost relies on a good foundation

Most commercial composting begins and ends with manure. Adding straw, sawdust, or other carbon sources will improve the value of your product. Usually, low-grade compost can be purchased for as much as $20 per ton. High-quality compost has a better balance of carbon, nitrogen, and humidity inside the mix. This combination provides an end result with more value to you and your customers.

Adding microbes to the mix will help break down organic waste into compost. This will help to transform the mix into a living soil ecosystem that is rich with nutrients, which can be absorbed by the surrounding plants efficiently.

The demand for windrow turners

A good soil ecosystem can be created by aerating your piles of compost, or windrows. Turning the mixture with a compost turner is the best way to enhance microbial growth and make a high-quality fertilizer. If you do not use a windrow turner, poor air circulation will give you a lower quality product.

The demand for compost turners has been overwhelming because commercial composting operations, farmers, and municipalities are looking to replace synthetic fertilizer with something organic. This also helps to cut down on waste in dumps across the country.

How do compost turners work?

Large scale composting with a turner is simple. You put the waste into a windrow that is approximately 14-by-20 feet wide and at least 8 feet deep and turn it periodically to support adequate air circulation. This machine is valuable because it can provide water in the form of mist as needed.

Humidity is a critical ingredient in the composting process. The ultimate goal is to create an aerated, humid compost that can provide considerable value on the open market. The mix needs to be moist, which can be accomplished by turning it at least twice a week.

Creating quality compost isn’t ideal in a climate where it rains often. Arid climate conditions will also have a negative effect on the production of the compost made in an outdoor windrow. However, using a compost turner to regulate your windrows can help significantly.

Maintaining your windrows

After you put together a compost ecosystem, you must protect it by using a windrow cover. These are made to help control microbial growth and block UV rays by stabilizing the temperature and humidity levels inside the windrow. The windrow cover is a great buffer against extreme weather as well.

To maximize market value, try mixing inoculants, nutrients, and other ingredients into your compost. This is often sold to golf courses and local greenhouses, but you can create compost for any industry. The process of creating quality fertilizer out of waste that individuals often pay others to dispose of is a fast-growing enterprise. The demand for such a product is high, especially in the agriculture industry.

Get high-quality compost with a windrow turner from SCARAB International

You can make the best compost by using a high-quality compost turner on your windrows. Whether you operate a large scale composting company or your own small farm, SCARAB International can help you find the right machine for your needs. We have NewUsed, and Refurbished compost turners, as well as Leasing Options. Call us today at (806) 883-7621 or Contact Us by email for more information about our products and how they can help your operations.